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July 22, 2024

The Taint of Pity

By Ken Allan Dronsfield

The Taint of Pity

dark dreams of tomorrow live within your today.
cascading in colorless opaque luminescence
tree of deformity within wispy flowing grasses
whilst ravens on the wing disappear in a haze
lucent clouded skies of blended silent obscurity
pious scripture camouflaged by a taint of pity
ravenous demons tempt the innocent with lies
as crosses burn brightly in the darkest mind.
the decrepit fantasies reign within hypocrisy
as a flavored sky burns with a grayish pallor.
from my open window I see a world in chaos
I see masses of people unwilling to even live
gentle creatures disappear from dead forests
animals walk on two legs stealing halcyon souls
germs spreading hate, in-cognizant of any love
lazy beg for work as garbage crops are cultivated
the lonesome appear lost from open front windows
whilst even the long since dead simply scream.

Article © Ken Allan Dronsfield. All rights reserved.
Published on 2017-05-22
Image(s) are public domain.
2 Reader Comments
Ken Allan Dronsfield
09:20:29 AM
My thanks to Sand Pilarski, Editor of the Piker Press for including my piece "The Taint of Pity" on site today!
Michael Griffith
10:12:39 AM
Dark and stirring. A Poe-worthy piece!

Nice job, Ken.
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