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July 22, 2024

The most beautiful eye in the world is the third eye

By Abigail George

The most beautiful eye in the world is the third eye

I don't know whether
these lines will be a
success or not. If it will be
an achievement or a
bluesy wilderness. A
hidden voyage of discovery or paranoia.
I've only wanted to be a
mother now these past
few months. Spending
time with my brother's
son. Daily I view the horizon as being three-dimensional.
Trees are candles. Trees
are candles. He says words
like 'girly-hair' and I
melt. I suck a lullaby out of
the museum of my soul.
I make lemons out of lemonade.
One day I'll teach him how to do

 the same, I promise.

Article © Abigail George. All rights reserved.
Published on 2017-07-17
Image(s) © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
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