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July 22, 2024

When I try to write from memory this is what I come up with

By Abigail George

When I try to write from memory this is what I come up with

The meat-woman paused here,
like life, a dream or a flashback or
repeatedly in my mind's eye.
(I saw her shadow against the tree). Saw a forest lying
in her shadow. The wing of a
gull spread out against the light.
Islands of (made up of suns).
She didn't have perfect-anything about her.
She didn't look like a model from the pages of fashion
magazine. She looked just like
me. Standing tall like an ancient
ruin. Little brown leaves in her
eyes. Her smile a little crooked.
Wrinkles forming around her mouth. Smile-lines at the corners

  of her eyes.

Article © Abigail George. All rights reserved.
Published on 2017-09-18
Image(s) are public domain.
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