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February 03, 2025

Fifth Poem (Looking Inward)

By Charles Cicirella

Fifth Poem (Looking Inward)

(For Aina)

like the grit in my teeth
when eating New England Clam Chowder
like talking to you and how it makes me feel unencumbered and free as a bird
you're a phoenix rising from the ashes
think Abraxas but less Germanic and more rustbelt
want to cuddle with you after we've consumed burgers, fries and the afterglow
attained once a connection is made from the politics of no politics and the sexual
nature of a lioness on the prowl
I was Looking for Mr. Goodbar or at the very least a candy bar that did not require so much chewing when the heat in the kitchen became too hot to handle and everyone ceased and desisted from believing they had something to prove
wish to spy you in a pair of tight blue jeans when you don't think anyone is looking and Walmart seems like the best place to go at this late hour
you never fail to take my breath away because I know you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain as you open your heart to a roomful of strange ghosts

Article © Charles Cicirella. All rights reserved.
Published on 2017-08-21
Image(s) © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
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