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February 10, 2025

Hear What They Won't Tell You

By Ndaba Sibanda

Hear What They Won't Tell You

It is the wish and prayer of every patriotic African
To see Africa become a haven of growth and unity

I don't know all the social challenges bedeviling Africa
I don't rule out a case of puerilities and peculiarities

I'm awake to the fact that Africa is diverse and rich
It is for this reason that diversity should be addressed

Otherwise wars and instability and poverty will continue
If other sections of society are left out in the cold or victimised

Merit is and should be standard but the highest office in the land
Should never ever be a privilege for one ethnic group forever
The false sense of entitlement and superiority based on ethnicity
Or numbers or affinity to those in power should be crashed to zero

I won't mince my words: let us not sugarcoat this scourge
To avoid pre and post-election distrust, dilemmas or damages

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2017-12-18
Image(s) are public domain.
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