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July 22, 2024

Drowned in the Pacific

By Eddie Awusi

Drowned in the Pacific

I saw you going,
in a hobbling shuttle,
Of waves and winds.
In dreary dreadful furrow,
Into disdainful waistline,
of heartless high seas.
In hubristic ferries
of guts and indifference.
Then, suddenly this pushcart silence!

What were you thinking,
Duelfully engaging the divine majesties,
Of the deep blue pacific?
Didn't you know, how it is forbidden,
Of mere mortal man, to gaze into the eyes,
Of the versatile sea?

I heard their judgment,
That made the sea --
Your last adventure, death bed, your graveyard.
Passed in a strange tongue,
I picked up among the huldufolk.

Article © Eddie Awusi. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-03-19
Image(s) are public domain.
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