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July 22, 2024

I Don't See Them Here

By Ndaba Sibanda

I Don't See Them Here

I wish I could see them here in Zim
In the north and south in Zim they don't zoom
In Luanda where I lived their ubiquitousness
Smiled in the north and south or west and east

I wish I could see them here in Zim
In the north and south in Zim direction is dim
Hence cranes are like the thighs of a tortoise
No one sees sheaves being lifted or stirred!

In other countries I have visited or lived in
Overhead cranes were in action and everywhere
In Zim those industrial machines are not ubiquitous
Like many other things their development is disingenuous!

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-04-23
Image(s) are public domain.
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