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July 22, 2024

Man with No Name

By Jake Cosmos Aller

Man with No Name

Often it seems to be
That the universe is merely a cosmic bee
Floating around the edge of time
Thinking of how to be

Swimming through oceans of sounds
Running through space
Where no sane man or women would dare walk
Wishing to dive under the cool waters of Port Zantari

Finding the meaning of his feelings
Wishing he could express the hurt, the anger, the frustrations and hates

That boil up inside into a ball of an absolute impotent furry
All he can say is but a lie
The real essence of his feelings
For some reason remains unspeakable
To him and to us

So he sits painting his way into a cold morbid corner
There is no exit
Only temporary escapes
Into still more dismal situations

He needs guidance along life's rough trodden paths
But is afraid to say what's on his mind

Because the whole world would not give a damn
For the foolish thoughts
Of a mere nothing, ant of a man
Lost in the swamps of his own mind

Article © Jake Cosmos Aller. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-02-05
Image(s) are public domain.
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