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July 22, 2024

The Beginning of Universal Awareness

By Jake Cosmos Aller

The Beginning of Universal Awareness

The beginning of universal awareness
Floats out away from my ocular organs
Weary from too much sleep

Many fragments
Conspire for our limited attention
Thought of love and glorious perverted sex

Overcome thoughts of hate and lust
Yet life sometimes needs clarification

What is, is
May very well be
Nothing but a bowl of oatmeal
With brown seeds
And Wood sugar

Screaming I feel
Reality steaming in a wok
Serving rich gravy as life watches on, not amused

Hiding the dismal sweat and sour pork
That is the meaning of feelings
Finally, we all know

Life is meaning is not meaning
And our feelings are that we can ever know

Article © Jake Cosmos Aller. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-05-07
Image(s) © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
1 Reader Comments
03:05:01 PM
Very compelling
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