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February 10, 2025


By Ndaba Sibanda

It took her six months of saving up
To buy an expensive android cell phone
One weekend devastation danced and dented

It took a mere second for a senseless snatcher
To pounce on her hand and snatch her gadget away
She screamed in hot pursuit but the thief disappeared

She strode away from the pretenders who had followed suit
She felt having been robbed of finances and freedom and identity
She lost happiness in Yoethieville, but found abhorrence for the thieves

How could she forget and forgive the shop owners who were partners
In crime because they made their shops an easy market for stolen phones?
How could she exonerate the police for paying lip services to the crime scenes?

She lost trust in those who were supposed to protect her and her environment
As daring thieves continued to prowl on an open handbag or to make life a hell for all
Her personal information stored on her phone was as vulnerable as she was on the streets

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-07-30
Image(s) are public domain.
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