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July 22, 2024

This Is How the Earth Cries

By Eddie Awusi

This Is How the Earth Cries

This is how the earth cries.
Grisly heaving supine breath.
Scolding humanity with catalogue of disasters.
Vomiting roots in gilded squabbles.
Jamming alloys in pensive mood.
Stunting roses on senile soils.
Throttling avidly with a thrusting air.
Erupting volcanoes on frenetic days.
Handing dust to haywire winds.
Earth, humming in a witling quake.
Hurricanes sweeping with devious hands.
Coughing water against hyacinth times.
This is how the earth cries.

Article © Eddie Awusi. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-05-28
Image(s) are public domain.
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