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July 22, 2024

Over the Phone

By Ed Krizek

Over the Phone

His wife called.
He had a brain tumor.
I thought:
This is not good.

She phoned again.
It is malignant.
Surgery & treatment
to follow.
Hope in an experimental procedure.

A few days later I called & offered
to take him out for a day trip.
He declined.
I thought:
Soon there will be
no more time
& all the things that matter
will be long shadows
in the sunset.

There isn't anything to do
except pick a fight with
the unfair God
who allows these things
to happen,
where the best one can expect
is a draw & like Jacob
be blessed
when the long night
is over.

Article © Ed Krizek. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-05-28
Image(s) are public domain.
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