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July 22, 2024


By Brandon Marlon


A fortnight from their oasis destination,
wayfarers collapse amid dunes swirling
with the onset of seasonal bluster
heralding a truculent tempest on the horizon,
potentiated by a candent orb
whose rays ablate the weary.

The anarchic clime renders their complexions
sallow and blowsy, their brows rugose.
Once adipose, tabescent beasts pule
one last plaintive time then succumb
in the airless waste turned charnel,
their entera putrefying beyond recognition.

When weeks from now winds subside
and blanched bones are exhumed,
no necropsy will be deemed necessary
by aghast beholders who,
traversing a landscape sculpted anew,
mutter thanks for gentler fortunes.

Article © Brandon Marlon. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-11-12
Image(s) are public domain.
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