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July 22, 2024


By Ferris E. Jones


Become the unseen existence
My friend; my beautiful habit.
Embrace the moments and find your way
The nights undiminished --
For you my glowing attribute.

Join the vast divinity of bewildered eyes
And cry your tears with barbed conquering
Feel the thunder of murmured tongues --
Then pick the reality that keeps you high.

Choose the ancient way -- the smoking spirit.
To walk the barefoot path of a continuous forest.
Enter the doors without hurried words,
Steal its features of blissful whispers.

It's here my friend: my beautiful habit.
Where oblivion has come to die
And the appearance of the moon
Can change a man's merit.

Join me -- stay with me.
Forever we can be together.
Among the many unexpected visions
We can find our way,
A brilliance in
In a particular world.

Article © Ferris E. Jones. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-08-06
Image(s) are public domain.
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