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July 22, 2024


By Sunil Sharma


in the clothes

hanging on
the back of the
door -- white painted.

-- some messages
on Whats-app

a selfie as the DP
two grinning faces
eyes -- elongated
by the tilt in the angle
while the street looks elongated!

The scene
looking as digital version of
Picasso, early period,
both commercialised
and hawked on the front
of cheap T-shirts
sold in dozens by hungry blokes
in south of Mumbai ...

and -- few missed calls
as empty shells of oysters
left on the littered beach
on a foggy afternoon

... and the froth on the beer-glass!

Article © Sunil Sharma. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-07-09
Image(s) are public domain.
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