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February 10, 2025

They Always Put the Laundry in the Basement Because Doing Laundry is Hell

By Ryan Quinn Flanagan

They Always Put the Laundry in the Basement Because Doing Laundry is Hell

Sail a ship to anywhere, there are more people
who want you to drown than ever think you can swim,
that tells me a lot, much more than the useless clock
on the wall

and they always put the laundry in the basement
because doing laundry is hell; lint trap fires kill more
people than bombs

I never learned to fold laundry
just as I never learned to fold a losing hand of poker
preferring to bluff my way out of the alley
with bluster

and a basket on top of a washer
lets you know said machine is being used

the same way you share these aging halls
of asbestos

sitting in the dark when you can
because everyone is tired
of chasing the light.

Article © Ryan Quinn Flanagan. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-10-15
Image(s) are public domain.
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