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February 03, 2025

In Case You Thought All Was Renewed and Reformist

By Ndaba Sibanda

In Case You Thought All Was Renewed And Reformist

In case you thought they were on the verge of reforming
The big news is that everybody is free to be up or wishful
The scramble for the citizens' votes has never been this wild
The national broadcaster is still a no-go area for the opposition
Of course their presence is only welcome for demonization
Indeed the country is open for business even ZEC seems to be
Managing the postal votes with an amazing level of transparency --
Talk of officers voting under the very noses of their security bosses!
Like the national broadcaster, the electoral commission frowns upon
Irregularities and acts of partisanship, all in the name of a credible poll!

In case you thought the cash situation has improved for the better
Cash talk is that cash shortages and cash barons still hold sway
The business of delivering blank rhetoric is alive and on the rise
For me, and maybe for other citizens, if the system fails to tackle
The Gukurahundi issue, the revival of the economy and corruption
That will buttress the idea that we have a New Deception in action!
Remember there was so much hype about the first 100 days in office
And a spirited crusade against externalization culprits: I was spot on
To say it was a time-wasting travesty that would pale into some triviality
That kind of grandstanding is not new or strange just like the main actors
Who plainly have been ruining, riding the gravy train for the past 38 years

In case you thought that the plight of the poor was now on top of priorities
Those high in stature seem to be professing one thing but practicing another
Joblessness is not the only scourge that is jeering at one's hope and little lists
In the frenzy of the coming elections, the opposition parties allege that it is
A spiky wall for them to import campaign vehicles and other material
But Zimra seems to be letting the ruling party vehicle importers with ease --
Without paying duties, and all those shiny cars are on our rutted roads --
Doing the mission of vote-buying, and some whoopla business in general!
A year ago I had occasion to mix & mingle with students on government
Scholarships in Russia, and they told me distressful stories of paucity
A few months ago students on government scholarships in Algeria
Wrote a letter to government complaining that the régime of the day
Was turning a blind eye to their dilemma, and you wonder: is this a dawn?

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-08-13
Image(s) are public domain.
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