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July 22, 2024

The Naked Truth

By Dan Mulhollen

The Naked Truth
(inspired by the 1915 film Hypocrites)

The truth is always naked,
And yet she feels no shame.
She doesn't try to fake it,
As if some childish game.

Some would like to clothe her
in a drab nun's habit.
Perhaps they lack some closure,
to truths that they'd omit.

Some would rather lock her,
In a celibate's cold cell.
Others would just mock her,
Sure she is bound for hell.

Some feel it's their duty,
protecting an ancient law.
They fail to see her beauty,
and see her coarse and raw.

Maturity is lacking
in their lustful leer.
Reduced to futile quacking,
Signs of worthless fear.

For clothing is a liar,
hypocrisy will grow.
You're hiding your desire,
In actions just all for show.

No Truth is always naked,
Her nudity won't quit.
If you're unable to take it,
Then you are full of shit!


Article © Dan Mulhollen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-12-10
Image(s) are public domain.
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