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July 22, 2024

Across the Pond

By Scott Thomas Outlar

Across the Pond

London lights
flash neon blue
emblazoned with the phoenix
in Piccadilly Circus
where energy is manic
and creativity burns
straight through the heart
of a city without fog ...
if only for one night

Every language
becomes crystal clear
in a melting pot
where mussels are served
with fish and chips
and wine
and wine
and wine
that flows
along the River Thames
with accents from regions
both near and far ...
if only for one night

Voices from the crowd
surface upon the stage
of The Poetry Café
where society converges
around the comforting caress
of art that slips
carefully off
the tips of tongues
teasing the promise
of renaissance
in a culture renewed ...
if only for one night

Article © Scott Thomas Outlar. All rights reserved.
Published on 2018-12-24
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
01:03:46 PM
This is nice. Just the right details to paint a picture, just the right words to set the mood.'if only for one night' captures perfectly that feeling you get when you become aware that you have encountered one of those rare and fleeting moments in life when all the jagged edges of your life smooth out and you can enjoy the beauty around you, if only...
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