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July 22, 2024

On This Wake

By Robin Wyatt Dunn

On This Wake

come in
on this wake
I'll keep you steady
take this towel
for your sweat
your flesh is like the beach's sand

on this wake
the beach is steady
like your arm in mine

never doubt my love
instead, doubt the sky
it will fade
but we will not

we bright the avenues of day
in life
and in coming underneath it

come under life
to see which black skies
in your hands
which dances
are yours

igniting fires in the sky

Article © Robin Wyatt Dunn. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-06-24
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
01:41:50 PM
Cool! Poignant images of lovers together, supporting each other, very romantic and positive.
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