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July 22, 2024


By Joan McNerney


Wearing designer clothes
and sleek jewelry,
she traipses along willy nilly
throwing golden kismet
wherever whimsy calls.

Some think luck chooses their
goodness or hard work. Perhaps
they were blessed at birth?

The wise know luck wears a
visor tripping over herself
favoring both mean and lazy.

Luck has a toxic twin called
Misfortune covered with
gloom. Dressed in dusty
rags, stupor-like he selects
unsuspecting victims.

Stomping helter skelter
clutching the throats of
both meek and mighty.

Everybody who gets in his way
will be pushed down, their
muffled cries barely heard.

Article © Joan McNerney. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-02-04
Image(s) are public domain.
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