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July 22, 2024


By Charles Cicirella

(For Mikal)

Restless embers
Burnt to a crisp
Underground passages
Transcontinental railroad

Millennials talk shit
Tethered to their smartass phones
Activate your personalities
Drop and give me forty winks

Gaunt writer
Tilting at stained glass windows
A repository of fact and Shot in the Heart non-fiction
Carves musical explorations from coffee grounds and midnight oil

We stand at the gates like barbarians or James Garner private dicks
His interview style is on a need to know basis
Brandishing the skill of a surgeon wielding his pen like a scalpel or unicorn horn
He's stood in the flames of deliverance and damnation longer than even he can recall

Article © Charles Cicirella. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-05-13
Image(s) © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
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Charles Cicirella
01:03:19 AM
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