Popeye had his spinach. Travis Bickle his mohawk. The Kennedys had Marilyn. The Ramones had Blitzkeig Bop. Popeye was strong to the finish. Bukowski had his wine & muse. Putin owns Scump. Is Elvis really dead? Reagan had his jelly beans. Muddy Waters rolled his mojo. Dubya had his soulless mocking smirk. Supercalifragilisticexpialidociocious. I heard a lousy poet invoke Miles Davis in an attempt to cop some cool. The Clash had White Riot. Ali had the heart of a lion. Lenny Bruce had his smack & shtick. Sinatra had his rat pack. Shrewdest guy I ever met often played the fool. The emperor's got no clothes. Kill or be killed. Jonas Salk invented the cure and refused to accept a cent.
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