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July 22, 2024


By Ted Jonathan


Popeye had his spinach. Travis Bickle his mohawk. The Kennedys had Marilyn. The Ramones had Blitzkeig Bop. Popeye was strong to the finish. Bukowski had his wine & muse. Putin owns Scump. Is Elvis really dead? Reagan had his jelly beans. Muddy Waters rolled his mojo. Dubya had his soulless mocking smirk. Supercalifragilisticexpialidociocious. I heard a lousy poet invoke Miles Davis in an attempt to cop some cool. The Clash had White Riot. Ali had the heart of a lion. Lenny Bruce had his smack & shtick. Sinatra had his rat pack. Shrewdest guy I ever met often played the fool. The emperor's got no clothes. Kill or be killed. Jonas Salk invented the cure and refused to accept a cent.

Article © Ted Jonathan. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-07-08
Image(s) are public domain.
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