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January 13, 2025

Ribbon-cutting Drama Kings and Queens

By Ndaba Sibanda

Ribbon-cutting Drama Kings And Queens

a motorcade weaved and snaked its way into a poor village
jolly jiving government officials in party regalia trooped out
cameras clattered as speeches on 'our successes' were delivered
"I officially declare this toilet open!" one hoarse-voiced official crowed
one villager exclaimed , "this is so sick and low that I can't clap hands for!"

on a national TV the viewers were treated to a grand ribbon-cutting ritual
what they didn't see was that villager who had dared to ask them questions like:
"do we eat toilets? are these colorful ribbons not more expensive than your toilet?"
the viewers were no stranger to watching those much-ado-about-nothing launches

in 2017 they had watched with their naked eyes a sober minister officially open a dustbin!
as if that were not enough insult to their intelligence 2018 saw more groundbreaking antics
let there be light , they said and walked their talk by presiding over an electric lamp ceremony
as if to thank the villagers for a vote they held a water pump inauguration in Lizavukanini province

whilst most citizens were outraged by those no-deal ceremonies and pranks, the main actors --
the drama kings and queens certainly couldn't care less -- for their goal was to get stinking rich
and run away for some overseas 'official' holiday as if they had a serious mental breakdown!
the sober citizens were tired of seeing their continent being turned into a dustbin of sick jokes

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-04-08
Image(s) are public domain.
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