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July 22, 2024

Cape Cod Reflections

By Ken Allan Dronsfield

Cape Cod Reflections

South winds blow across sandy dunes
marsh grasses acquiesce and curtsey
terns hover over crests of rolling waves
deep azure ocean of briny, salted waters
cold is the Atlantic seasonally constant
white masts full upon great sailing ships
beam reach headed north light of haul
smaller boats enjoy the offshore fishing
foghorn sounds from the Highland Light
sparse footprints leading here and there
dogs chase sandpipers at the water's edge
little crabs scurry in the rocky tidal pools
tourists sit on bath towels along the beach
white umbrellas catch the winds and fly away
smells of the sea waft in the gentle breezes
kids steer colorful kites of various designs
lovers hold hands tightly walking barefoot
our lovely yearly visit to great Cape Cod.

Article © Ken Allan Dronsfield. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-06-24
Image(s) are public domain.
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