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July 22, 2024

The Possibility

By JD DeHart

The Possibility

Is it possible?

Yes, child. It is possible.
I'm living proof.
The past does not matter
all that much. We press

But, what if my decisions
come back to haunt me?

I say scare your own
hauntings away. Those eyes
that judge you have their own
list of wrongs. Listen carefully
to the anger in their words.
It's pointed back at themselves,
like toenails that grow too long.

What do I do to be free?

Just be. Fully who you are. This
new day is a thousand years from
yesterday. Breathe.

Article © JD DeHart. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-11-18
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
06:16:48 PM
Breathe indeed. Great message.
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