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July 22, 2024

Protect Me, God of the Woods

By Robin Wyatt Dunn

Protect me, god of the Woods

Protect me, god of the Woods,
From my sadness,
And use the shade in your bark
To circuit my spirit,
In darkening rounds,
Over the earth.

In the black hounds,
Feed me my mushrooms,
To dine under the stars,
And give me hours of steep quiet,
Shaking against my head
Wind on the mast of my neck.

I'll kill for you;
If you need it;
Though I am only a stupid man.

Give me peace to see the light,
Who murders the silence of your surround,
With its pinioned hands.

Article © Robin Wyatt Dunn. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-09-23
Image(s) are public domain.
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