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July 22, 2024

The Compass

By Tomas Sanchez Hidalgo

The compass

Where do you have the compass?
they asked us
at the crossroads
(in the green daybreak).
Where is the compass?
they searched
the pigsty,
and Umbral in his big car
brought us to police station,
where is the compass?
to buy transfers, and ink,
cold sweat of dawn and madness,
where is the compass?
after the Fallas
of paper and chocolate,
rumor of Clamoxyl
in the key of firecrackers.
Where do you have the compass?
Where, where???
Where, where???
We don't have it;
We smoked it all.

Article © Tomas Sanchez Hidalgo. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-07-08
Image(s) are public domain.
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