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July 22, 2024

Your New Model

By John Grey

Your New Model

No longer mixed signals
and rebel circuitry,
sudden overloads,
undependable boards.
I am the latest in the line,
supra-metallic, all-vision,
mega-inflated consciousness,
all capacities stellar-augmented,
propelled by the latest in zoom-thrusters.

It's onward and upward
from those earlier models.
I'm equipped with
oversight nervous-engage,
love/hate rearmament,
system-wide brain deployment,
the latest hi-miniaturized brain canisters,
and upbursts of firepower when needed.

I can vault-event, system black-hole,
element interface., translate in 4D,
DNA reengineer, time displace,
and data-demolish
but, once again, only as required.

Did I hear you say you can't afford me?
You can't afford not to have me.
Besides, it's the law.
One in every home.
And there I can
neuro-manage, nano-decree,
molecule-manipulate and atom-delist
but strictly if I deem it necessary.
Yes I can still do your bidding
but I prefer to do my own.

Article © John Grey. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-12-02
Image(s) are public domain.
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