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February 10, 2025

Let Us Talk And Walk Writing Different Types Of Sentences

By Ndaba Sibanda

Let Us Talk And Walk Writing Different Types Of Sentences

1. Declarative Sentences

My cat carries an unknown blue rag around in her mouth and throws it into a bowl of fresh milk. She likes taking and flaunting objects on walks around the house and yard. She eats her food by taking it out of the bowl with her paw, and putting it either on my unimpressed foot or on the innocent carpet. The good thing perhaps is that she gifts me an assortment of things, including live locusts, praying mantises and wriggling worms. She does not chew them. She wraps her paws around my wondering leg too.

2. Interrogative Sentences

How does it feel, after carrying unknown rags into the house, and flinging them into bowls of milk? What type of cat would take and flaunt objects in front of its owner, the TV, the mirror, the sofa and literally everything else in the house? Would that cat sleep soundly and blissfully after committing such crimes? Where's decency there? Who does she think she is -- a boss of sorts? Why doesn't she eat her food from the bowl? Is that too much to ask? When does she clean the carpet? Why does her friend seem to be impressed with and enamored of all these antics?

3. Imperative Sentences

Little cat, your cat friend marveled at you when you carried a blue rag, as if saying, have fun dear friend! Well, well-wishing you! Come to my place and take some more rags! What an invitation! My instruction is: refrain from bringing foreign objects into my house, including your friend! I command you not to ever again gift me scary live locusts, praying mantis and worms! Stop forthwith! Ok, maybe I've sounded too harsh -- please don't give me such scary gifts. My request is: please don't chase away your friend! He seems to adore you from heaven to earth and back. You're fortunate. He probably gives you gifts of cloths and all. That's my humble and harmless observation.

4. Exclamatory Sentences

What do you think you're doing?! Taking me on a tour of the house, carrying strange rags? Goodness Gracious, you're sneaky and accumulative! Hey there's no more space for your objects in my house! I can't believe that your friend thinks you're the smartest and cutest cat around! No wonder he likes purring, chewing his tongue and sucking his nipples! I bet my last dollar, no hair will grow there! Let me park it here! Oh, already you're walking away with your friend, paw-in paw! The cozy twosome, have a good hangout! I'll miss you! Actually, already missing you! After eating out, you're free to come back and burp in my face as usual!!

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-12-23
Image(s) are public domain.
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