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January 06, 2025

Mlungisi's Whereabouts

By Ndaba Sibanda

Mlungisi's Whereabouts

Mlungisi was a fixer
A mender of wounds
A repairer of hope and love
His village's renovator and mentor
They called him a corrector and an actor

Mlungisi's last known artwork was a mirror
Held up to the landscape of his deprived village
It was a looking glass held up to their society too
Mlungisi was an acute chronicler of world crises
In a world of greed, Mlungisi preached altruism

In a world gripped by the uncertainty of climate change
He propounded a bold trajectory, a climate revolution
A world rescued from burning rainforests and melting ice
A world salvaged from carbon emissions, from dirty fossils
By an investment in clean energy, green technology and jobs

But Mlungisi's whereabouts are unknown to his rustic admirers
It has been months since he vanished from his run-down village
Village dwellers are restless for he used to visit the sick in hospital
And console them regardless of whether he knew them or not
Mlungisi's plays corrected and converted rascals into humans too

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-01-13
Image(s) are public domain.
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