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July 22, 2024


By Ahmad Al-Khatat


I have lost priceless and expensive
moments and decisions I still regret

I have lost happiness above the sinking
boat above the river of my dark grief

I have lost the game but everyone else won
I barely survived, and they became soundless
in a wooden box under the soil

I have lost my voice and sight after I was
disabled to describe the beauty of my dream

I always feel miserable for losing my
country, even Baghdad doesn't welcome me

My people have changed
Everything within me has changed
but death never loses me, and I haven't lost his shadow

because in Iraq, we are born to be lost
before we follow the path of hope to joy

Article © Ahmad Al-Khatat. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-06-08
Image(s) are public domain.
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