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July 22, 2024

I'm Coming for Your Putrid Soul

By Ferris E. Jones

I'm Coming for Your Putrid Soul

From the prayers of my blood,
Once my spirit begins its walk,
Safe passage past the torment
Is predetermined; the fix is in.

I will pass through Hell's gate
With my hope for the lord's revenge,
Then greet with a curious smile
The philosophers that spoke my life.

The violent storms will calm
My will; adultery seen not.
No lust in the hoarder's tax,
Remembering their squandered weapon.

The wall of Dis stands not
A barrier, but an opening
To glimpse at the flaming tombs
Of those who speak false, of the bright sky.

With the steps of a child,
I'm coming for your putrid soul.
Immersed in the boiling blood
Of those stolen few; I will pluck thee.

I will inflict Hell's dream
Of wanting vengeance upon thee.
Then drag your soul that was yanked
Too fast, to stand before the laws high.

Article © Ferris E. Jones. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-01-20
Image(s) are public domain.
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