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July 22, 2024

The Gods

By Tammy M. Darby

The Gods

As the Thunderbolt God Jupiter
Saturn's brother
Pursued his loves in disguise
The Goddess Hera sat upon her throne
Irritated and plotting
Gazing with angry jealous eyes

Oh, courageous intelligent Athena
Virgin Goddess of the hunt
Dare the foolish to cast eyes upon her unclothed
Under the sentence of a tortuous death
Its said by many she was not birthed
But sprang surprisingly from her father's head

The lovely Aphrodite
Would melt the hearts of many a man
Who would offer up their life willingly
For but a faint touch of her hand

The Light God Apollo admirer of the word, reciting poetry
Pluck the gold lyres delicate strings
While the sea god Poseidon's twelve daughters
Dressed in dripping seaweed began to sing

Ares the bold god of war
Feared conqueror and great warrior
Planted flowers
As was his custom in the spring

Artemis in fervent haste strung her magical bow
For it was the pursuit that stirred her blood
It flowed through her veins
Aged Roman wine
Running stags through shadowy woods

The gods of the Kings
The gods of the people
To whom many sacrifices were made
Lived thousands of years beyond the lifespan of man
So, say the storytellers of olden times and past days

Article © Tammy M. Darby. All rights reserved.
Published on 2019-12-16
Image(s) are public domain.
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