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July 22, 2024

In the Thought of You

By Rehanul Hoque

In the Thought of You

In the thought of you I stumbled on nightmare, appearing through
A secret lining -- ruinous; placed within the armpit of an Octopus,
Tight and tough --
There I got buried under the cold breaths of the skeleton
Of burning sand dune,
The writhing little drops coming from the sand were
My final beats of life, counting those beats
I discovered your existence bit by bit --
Your beauty gets enhanced by the amorous blushes of Venus
Your intoxicating smell kindles the desire for a sneaky hug in the dark
Your scarlet lips are sacred dreams of sucking pleasure
Indeed, you are no less than Vesuvius

Article © Rehanul Hoque. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-06-22
Image(s) are public domain.
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