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July 22, 2024

Worst Day

By Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal

Worst Day

We all had the worst day
of our lives more than once
until the next worst day
comes along. I get so
tired of having the worst
day of my life. It feels
like Groundhog Day. It feels
like Deja Vu all of
the time. Whoever put
this curse on my life
take it back, that Voodoo
doll that looks like me, take
those pins out. Let me be.
I'm in search of peaceful
days, where my mind can think,
where I can soundly sleep.
I am not a bad man
to be having the worst
day of my life coming
back with such frequency.
I want to make amends
for all the bad things I have
done in this life or the
the last life. What good
deed could I do in return
to keep my worst day in
my life from reoccurring?
Help me find peace of mind.

Article © Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-06-01
Image(s) are public domain.
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