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July 22, 2024

New Decade -- Day One

By Dan Provost

New Decade -- Day One

I guess all
the deep thinkers
will be out in droves
today ...

Ready to comment on
what's right or wrong
about the past, present
and future ...

Is it too simple
just walking outside

take a look above

sigh and say

"Yea, still have some tomorrows."

Some of us will
never be prophets or
champions on deciding fate.

Just a brisk walk --

Find your surroundings
enough to plunge through
another day ...

Will be sufficient to

Article © Dan Provost. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-03-02
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
03:45:43 PM
Cool. We do what we can do. I like that "Find your surroundings"
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