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February 03, 2025

Rape of the Truth

By Pranab Ghosh

Rape of the Truth

Knight in shining armor! Respond to the
Senses that are needling you as you are
Out there in the cosmos trying to fathom
The wealth that your betrayal to our cause
Has brought you. And as you count
Your rubies, answer to the prick of
Conscience that you lost in the course
Of your abominable journey, in which
You traded your soul, when you found
That your desire to gain the unattainable
Will stay beyond gratification!

Oh knight in shining armor! Then you
Betrayed your times, your station, your
Existence and your honor, only because
Your personal ambition would never
Reach its destiny!

Knight in shining armor! You betrayed
A nation, a race, a faith! You betrayed
Your dependents as you made them a prey
To your false destiny, supported by your
Ambiguous logic that paraded as truth,
Which failed to encounter the lies
Projected by our enemies!

Knight in shining armor! You in turn without beating
A retreat became a party to the lies and crushed the
Truth that you knew will raise its head from under
The poisonous heap of decaying desire.

Knight in shining armor! You have betrayed
One and all for your vain honor!
Be shadowy! Be invisible! Be lost!
Else truth will hang her head in shame!

Article © Pranab Ghosh. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-06-22
Image(s) are public domain.
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