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January 20, 2025

Fallen Valor

By Pranab Ghosh

Fallen Valor!

Knight in shining armor! You betrayed
Yourself, your emotions, your friends,
Your compatriots and your goal in order
To achieve your selfish destiny!

Knight in shining armor! You gave away
What could have been yours, for a dream
That could never have been yours.
You gave away your integrity and
Your valor became nothing but cowardice,
Your station became lower than that of
Your much less-esteemed compatriots!

Knight in shining armor! The pale shadow
You had been chasing has flesh and blood,
But that was not meant for you. In a bid to
Usurp others' dream you had usurped
Others' honor and stand vanquished
By the crushing rollers of the demanding
Times that know to get its price out of a folly
That you and your progeny had committed!

A sin that cannot be washed away; a crime
That cannot be wiped out even when lashed
By time's incessant waves!

Adieu knight in shining armor! Adieu!
For you have made not your friends,
But your enemies proud and happy! Adieu!

Article © Pranab Ghosh. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-05-25
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
10:30:03 PM
Who is the knight?
The successful man?
The common man?
The commercial man?
The careerist?
The professional man?
Or Everyman in today's world?
Or the hiatus between what I wanted to be and what I am today?
The contrast between the inner and outer man?
Very ambiguous poem. Can be assigned a lot of meaning to it. At the end thought provoking.
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