Love and Revolution
As thunderbolt, your hair breaks ribs with capricious ebb and flow
Your eyebrows, the crescent moon fill cells all through
Each of your steps agile as radiant leopard
Increases beats of a panic-stricken deer
Your organs translucent like that of a Chiruni
Stir the burning sensation as curvaceous as it could be
Yet, in the hope to win your heart another step is taken in utter darkness
Here success is immense longing of an Anglar --
The Anglar sneaks off to unknown directions and gets lost
Never to be found again
Meteoroids are found falling into earth
They fall failing to resist the desire of moving forward
Meteoroids are left only as dust on the surface
In a kingdom of variation
Within the snippets of variation sparks of revolution loom large
Revolution dies down like a falling bird
In a tempestuous night, the night reminds of the hollow cells
Of the skeleton of a lover --
The cells wither away in maddening thirst of an Anglar,
Amid the floating clouds of horizon.
11:16:53 PM