They do not call her Getrude for nothing:
Her ways are cunning
She waited until he settled.
Watched him commit to the woman
Felt less of a woman
Weaved a plan to unseat the woman
Shredded her dignity with midnight calls
Upset her with lost messages
Ruffled her calm life by siring an innocent child
To be used as an armour
To fight her battles for recognition
To have a perfect excuse to call in the middle of the night
To show up on his graveside
To request a share of the inheritance
To demand acceptance
In an open wound of deceit
Did she really have to do this to the poor soul?
But did he really have to defile his vows?
To take the man of cloth for granted
To devour his share but still rove hungrily
He is gone now
She is gone now
That innocent soul is left
With an identity crisis and negative labelling
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