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February 10, 2025


By Ndaba Sibanda


Was it really independence?
or corruption's pestilence?

Misery was brought. Was
it somehow sold? If it indeed
it was sold, who in their sane
mind could have bought it?

Is there an auction centre
that can accept it? Is there
a scrapyard that can keep it?
Is there a plausible justification
for that appalling level of stooping
and descent in a community of decent
nations? Is there any nightmare worse?

What was gallant blood shed for? Is that
the same rich land where there was abundant
milk and honey? Or is this a mere plasticised
and pauperised clone pretending to be our
motherland? How long, the basket case?

It was plainly thriving. Now because of
rampant thieving and bungling -- it is
declining and crying infinitely. It is
painfully rapped because of the wolves' rape
of the people's resources and rights.

Really, with that rich and diverse
resource base, should it not be the pride,
the jewel and the juice of the entire continent?

One day the whining will be over. The shining will
take over. Only when sanity rules supreme. Only when
justice prevails over prejudice.

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-06-08
Image(s) are public domain.
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