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July 22, 2024

Bedtime Stories

By Donna Dallas

Bedtime Stories

My son asks me
if he will he find someone to love
he tells me he desires more
than surface talk
that he seeks deep thought conversations
how do I tell him
        Love will file him down to a nub
        Peel his skin from his bone
        Leave him curled up in a ball
        Writhing in an agony
        That penetrates so deep
        It will open up a crater in his soul
        And the hole will never truly close
In the only way I know
I tell him
love is an endless smile
a heart folded into a doughy mix
pressed over and over
worked into an endless supply
of a wondrous bread
that filled the last supper
a comfort so simple it has powered
the universe since

Article © Donna Dallas. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-12-14
Image(s) are public domain.
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