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July 22, 2024

i kept myself

By Linda M. Crate

i kept myself

everyone always
told me
who i was supposed to be

it was never me,
but that never sounded right;

i am glad i listened to my heart instead --

could never be anyone else but me
it would be a waste to try
because they have their beauty and i have mine
i was born as me so i could not be them
no matter how hard i may have tried to fit in
when i was a child i am glad i never did,

despite the loneliness and the pain
and the wondering whether or not i was worthy
of all the love i gave everyone else
i found myself;

and as they shed their selves to fit into society
i kept myself

and for that i will forever be grateful.

Article © Linda M. Crate. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-08-31
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