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January 13, 2025

As If Praying

By Fabrice Poussin

As if praying

She kneels in the green blades yet misty with dew
the skin still bruised from an eve's roughing games
she feels the tickle as she laughs deep inside.

There is no need to worry about a missed school day
still learning to stumble through the lives of giants
she runs those clumsy limbs through the fields.

Looking far into the horizon of many rainbows
she ponders what the unending hours will bring
between soft rays of her sun, and an afternoon sprinkle.

Everything around fills her burgeoning soul with awe
like electricity moving in an endless chain of lightning
and she jumps awkward into her next ballerina step.

Trying to grow into the lady watching her in grace
she extends her joyful fingers to the uncertain azure
just to fall once again, rolling into the heavenly garden.

Amused by her own attempt at grownup silliness
she laughs in the lightness of her damp summer dress
warmed by the rays of a father returning from a war.

Article © Fabrice Poussin. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-02-08
Image(s) are public domain.
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