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July 22, 2024

Spirals: Dusty Cobwebs

By Raja Chakraborty

Spirals: Dusty Cobwebs

Abandoned memories of a nest
Someone called home

Loose ends
Fluttered in the morning air

It rained last night
Washing away the last specks
Of inhabitance

Tiny droplets
Left-behind tears
Caught the passing rays
Pleading almost

Before the final gust
Took it away

Away from its roots
Away from the comfort of its tree
Away from the circles of memory

It's all about spirals

You wait, mesmerised
For your turn to be zoned out

Into oblivion
Beyond collective consciousness

Article © Raja Chakraborty . All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-11-09
Image(s) are public domain.
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