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July 22, 2024

Curl up with me under your grandmother's quilt

By Cheryl Haimann

Curl up with me under your grandmother's quilt
A breeze ruffles the bedroom curtain
Leave the Sunday crossword unfinished and the dishes unwashed
More industrious neighbors are mowing and gardening

A breeze ruffles the bedroom curtain
The cat wakes only to follow the sun
More industrious neighbors are mowing and gardening
Do they know if they've had a weekend?

The cat wakes only to follow the sun
Children laugh as they ride their bikes to the park
Do they know if they've had a weekend?
When we wake at dusk, we will make ham sandwiches

Children laugh as they ride their bikes to the park
Leave the Sunday crossword unfinished and the dishes unwashed
When we wake at dusk, we will make ham sandwiches
Curl up with me under your grandmother's quilt
Article © Cheryl Haimann. All rights reserved.
Published on 2006-04-24
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