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July 22, 2024

Of Emoji Images and Insinuations **

By Ndaba Sibanda

Of Emoji Images and Insinuations

Maybe photos speak louder than words
Think of smiley symbols, emoji symbols

Different icons for different network users
On one's media platform, on one's page

Think of animated emoji reactions to a post
For instance there was a story of one celeb

Who left his better half for a fresher beauty
I saw pouting, laughing, weepy or dazed faces

And a few comments like: "This won't end well"
And "The beauty is a classic, the man a clown"

Then one "reactor" had a photo of a teasing kid,
She had a body that was being fanned and toweled

One post had a beating heart icon ... was that love?
The other chap had another idea: a thumbs down!!

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-10-12
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