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July 22, 2024

A Quail and a Snail

By John Tustin

A Quail and a Snail

One day a quail and a snail
Went to find the holy grail

With a wagon and an upturned flagon
They came upon an angry dragon

And bested him in dance, perchance --
As well as in five games of chance

With no need for swords or words
They dazzled him with golden turds

Quail and snail at last did pass
To find a kidnapped country lass

Set free, said she:
I'll help you cuz you helped me

And took brave knaves through hills and caves
The last one led to open graves

One day a quail and a snail
Were lowered at the end of the trail

No sigh or cry from mouth or eye
To find the grail you have to die

One day a quail and a snail
Died to find the holy grail.

Article © John Tustin. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-01-04
Image(s) are public domain.
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