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February 03, 2025

Passport Don't Misbehave, What a Close Shave

By Ndaba Sibanda

Passport Don't Misbehave, What A Close Shave

12 weird days before the big day's chorus
I happily hurried into my manager's office,
in no uncertain terms he politely told me
to come back the next day. When I was free --
precisely 11 days before the big day I said glee,
today is the day to get things really cracking.
Still my superior's mere glare had me packing
out of his office without uttering a single word!
10 days before the big day I became a word nerd.
9 days before the big day I handed him my request,
8 days before the big day, with delight I hit my chest
for leave was granted. Exactly 7 days before the big day
I danced all day long. Explicitly 6 days before the big day
happened to be a restful Sunday. 5 days before Christmas
happened to be a hectic day. I nearly lost my mental compass
searching for my passport. 4 days prior to Xmas my fugitive pass
was found. 3 days prior to Xmas I was covid-tested. 2 days before
the big day I collected the covid form. Guess what, what did restore
my hopes was a negative lab result! One day before Xmas I travelled
to where my family was. On Xmas day at our joyful reunion we marvelled!

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-12-21
Image(s) are public domain.
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